Editor according to § 5 TMG:
Hellweg Badsysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Waldspitzweg 3
67105 Schifferstadt
Telefon +49 (0) 52 51 / 5 40 76 – 0
Telefax +49 (0) 52 51 / 5 40 76 – 50
E-Mail: info[at]
Managing Director: Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Tillmann
Hellweg Badsysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Sitz: Paderborn
Amtsgericht Paderborn HRA 3893
USt.-IdNr.: DE 813343921
Steuer-Nr.: 339/5728/1105
Hellweg Badsysteme Verwaltungs-GmbH
Sitz: Paderborn
Amtsger. Paderborn HRB6109
Responsible for editorial content / ViSdP:
Denise Gerhardt
Group Communication
Waldspitzweg 3
67105 Schifferstadt
Marcus Medwed
Business Development
Waldspitzweg 3
67105 Schifferstadt
Liability reservation:
With judgement of 12 May 1998 the LC Hamburg decided that one has to if necessary also answer for contents of the linked side by setting a on the left of. Hereby we dissociate ourselves expressly from the linked sides.
The information presented may be stored, passed on and reproduced, but without altering or falsifying it. When passing on and duplicating is asked for indication of source. Graphics are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without the author’s permission.
Image rights
Fotolia, Petra Feldmann, Tomas Maly, Denise Gerhardt, Marcus Medwed
Own employees, trainees, interns, applicants, clients as well as their employees, customers, suppliers, service providers, contractual partners and contact persons to the aforementioned groups.
…data categories: Master data, billing data, prospective customer data, customer data, contract data, payment data, control data, data from customers, employee data, business partner data, supplier data, data from public authorities.
…dates: Address data, name data, date of birth, tax numbers, VAT ID numbers, details of social security number, denomination, bank details, health data, planning data, contract data, billing data, voluntary details of the person concerned insofar as this is necessary to complete the order or to process the contract. In the area of personnel administration, additional information is stored on qualifications, entry into and departure from the employment relationship, wage and salary data, pension and social insurance data, warnings, certificates and application documents.
– Public authorities (e. g. tax offices, social insurance institutions, banks, insurance companies, courts)
– Internal departments that are involved in the execution of business processes
(e. g. personnel administration, bookkeeping, accounting, purchasing, marketing, general administration, sales)
– external contractors (service companies) in accordance with §11 BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act)
– other bodies if necessary for the pursuit of the purposes mentioned under 4