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History and Facts

Our employees are our capital

Successful projects require more than just comprehensive know-how. It also includes passion, joy and attention to detail in every single step. Thanks to our versatile team, which is always looking for new challenges, we can offer exactly this to our customers. And not just today – but for the past few decades.

““We look back on 55 years of company existence and are proud of everything that we have achieved during this time. A company that works together with both the employees and the customers in a partnership and almost family environment and creates added value together.”


Successful on the market for many years

From Spannbeton Hellweg to Hellweg Badsysteme. Our company has been successful on the market since 1967. From the beginning, the customer was the focus of our work. This orientation, together with the flexibility to respond to current changes in the market or events, is our secret recipe. We don't think in rigid boxes, but get involved with the individual wishes and ideas of our customers and find the optimal solution together with them.

1967 Hellweg Badsysteme was founded under the name Prestressed Concrete Hellweg in Geseke NRW. The owner is a medium-sized construction company, Hans & Lenze.

  • 1997 additional production facility in Prague is opened
  • 2001 the Heberger Group was found as a new partner
  • 2002 Bankruptcy of the company Hans & lenze
  • 2002 The Heberger Group takes over 100% of the prefabricated bathrooms sector and Hellweg prestressed concrete becomes Hellweg Badsysteme
  • 2003 Production facility in Geseke is closed and from then on manufactured exclusively in Prague

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Hubertus Strüder
Hubertus Strüder
Vertriebsleiter/Sales Manager

+49 171 304 78 20

Nursing home -siedlungswerk Stuttgart with HBS prefabricated bathrooms

Nursing home -siedlungswerk Stuttgart with HBS prefabricated bathrooms

Nursing home -siedlungswerk Stuttgart with HBS prefabricated bathrooms

The Stuttgart settlement company built a senior center with a nursing home with 45 rooms and 26 serviced apartments in Stuttgart-Plieningen. with barrier-free HBS prefabricated bathrooms.

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